Monday, August 20, 2007

The copy machine

I took Michael to work with me this morning since his preschool was closed. We brought several toys and even a movie to occupy Michael, but he seems to like the copy machine best. So, to keep him entertained I would get things together for one set of copies, go back to my classroom, so a few thing, then get set for another group of copies...(getting ready for the 1st day you know!!!)

Anyways, so everyone's doing copies and there's a line since we only have 2 (well, really one) copier for all 60 of us to use (at once!). There was a line. Michael and I cut across and used the one that (we're really not supposed to use that much) no one was using it! So we went first. We finished our copies and went back to the room did a few thing.

On our 2nd visit to the copier, there again was a line (for both copiers this time). Michael walked right up to the person on the copier that we had used before and said "I was here first"

I was mortified. Everyone around us was cracking up. I didn't even know the person he said this to (Come to find out she's a new teacher and her classroom is down the hall from me!)...luckily she has a good sense of humor and a 15 month old!!!

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