Friday, September 25, 2009

Daddy I have an Idea...

I need to set this up.
A few weeks ago we checked out a Scooby-Doo DVD from the library. One episode on the DVD was about a villain that was a counterfeiter who had a printing press in the basement of a haunted house.

A few days ago the TV was turned to a cable news channel, not CNN or MSNBC, and muted. It was a split screen of the President and the printing presses at a US mint printing $20 bills. Michael saw the image on TV.

So the stage is set; in comes our wise and curious sprog…

Michael: “ Dad I have an idea; I think Barack Obama is a counterfeiter”
Dad: “Well you are not far from the truth there…”

So the subject was dropped, until a week later when Granma and Papa came over . Michael told Grandma that Barack Obama “is a counterfeiter” and “he better not put any of that counterfeit money in his bank account”

I never knew political ideology was a genetic trait.

Michael-Scott in 2010, has more sense then most and is only 5 years old.