Friday, December 28, 2007

We took Michael with us to Bonefish Grill tonight. We had a 1/2 hour + wait for our table. Michael and I went over to watch 3 boys that were skateboarding in the parking lot to pass some of the time. Turns out one was a former student of mine (just did FCAT testing), but remembered me none the less and was very friendly.

We get seated and they are busy. We are passing the time with Michael by coloring on the butcher block paper the cover the table with. I brought a Cars coloring book with stickers and Michael is fairly amused with it. We eat our dinner and Michael and I decide to share dessert. While waiting Michael goes into a round of knock-knock jokes:

who's there?
dwayne who?
dwayne the bathtub I'm dwowning in here ...............(papa taught him this one!)

who's there?
cows who?
cows don't who the moo silly! (I taught him this one! :) )

He manages to execute them flawlessly when people walked by.

It was really nice to receive so many complements that night. Even the waitress commented how well behaved he was.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Compliments Please!!!

We went to a financial advisor today to move some investments around and had to take Michael with us since Grandma had an appointment at the same time.

On the way there we fed Michael a blueberry scone from Starbucks (he had just eaten breakfast a 1/2 hour prior!)
We brought some color wonder markers and a new Cars coloring book that Michael had gotten for Christmas.

Michael lasted almost a full hour on the floor coloring. He colored a picture for me and one for Chris and one for "Steve" the financial advisor.

After we left, Chris forgot to get a parking stubs validated. When he went back in he recieved some really nice complement on how well behaved and polite Michael was. It's good to know we're doing something right!

Friday, December 14, 2007


Grandma and Papa watched Michael tonight and we went out to my work Christmas party. We came home to devastating news.

I will NEVER understand how someone could be so selfish. Michael played with both kids at Playtime Express in Dunedin and Chris used to go to Dad's night out with Michael which was hosted at Playtime Express by Oliver Bernsdorf.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Counting in German

We captured Michael counting in German! He's been able to do it for a while now. He can always amaze us!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

flying cows

daddy: "michael, when are you going to stop peeing in your bed?"

Michael: "when the cows go flying!" just can't make this suff up!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

The fish

We were coming home from dinner. I asked Michael if he wanted to walk down and feed the fish OR watch the baracuda part in Finding Nemo(he asked for this earlier)

Michael: "I want to go feed the fish"

a few minutes later..............

Michael: "I want to watch the baracuda part. The fish at the pond told me they weren't hungry!"

Monday, September 17, 2007

Michael reading to me

such a sweetie

Michael insisted on bringing his teacher some of MY flowers this morning. He helped pick some flowers out at the grocery store yesterday. This morning he insisted that he bring them to his teacher. We compromised and I let him take two stems to her.

He's such a sweetie.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Sproggy Quotes...

A bird left its droppings on the car window and the sprog asks:

"What made the bird think the green car is a potty?"

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Bandaid

After Michael got out of the bath last night, he was still naked and we were goofy around tickling him and such. dh gave him a tap on the butt and he said "you gave me a butt blister, I need a bandaid" he went into the bathroom, got a bandaid, unwrapped it and Put in on his butt right in the middle over his crack!!! ....I have pictures to prove it!

Monday, August 20, 2007

The copy machine

I took Michael to work with me this morning since his preschool was closed. We brought several toys and even a movie to occupy Michael, but he seems to like the copy machine best. So, to keep him entertained I would get things together for one set of copies, go back to my classroom, so a few thing, then get set for another group of copies...(getting ready for the 1st day you know!!!)

Anyways, so everyone's doing copies and there's a line since we only have 2 (well, really one) copier for all 60 of us to use (at once!). There was a line. Michael and I cut across and used the one that (we're really not supposed to use that much) no one was using it! So we went first. We finished our copies and went back to the room did a few thing.

On our 2nd visit to the copier, there again was a line (for both copiers this time). Michael walked right up to the person on the copier that we had used before and said "I was here first"

I was mortified. Everyone around us was cracking up. I didn't even know the person he said this to (Come to find out she's a new teacher and her classroom is down the hall from me!)...luckily she has a good sense of humor and a 15 month old!!!

Monday, August 13, 2007

1st day of preSCHOOL

Michael was so excited this morning. He usually watches a "little show" (30 min TV program) in the morning. He had dad turn the TV off and headed out the door. He was ready!!!!

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Friday, August 10, 2007

The Candy Machine

We went out to eat at Winner's tonight. They of course put us near the video games and such. We decided Michael could do the candy machine. While Chris went out to the car for 50 cents, Michael explained how the candy machine worked:

Michael:"1st you put the money in here (points to the coin slot),
then the scoop spins around,
then you push the button,
then the it does down and scoops up the candy,
then it drops it in here(pointing),
then you get it out of here(pointing),
then you rip the plastic off,

He's too much!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Clutzy Papa

Michael and I are cleaning up and I take my laptop off of the coffee table and put it in the carry case I have for it.

Me: "I'll put my laptop away"
Michael:"Yeah, before Gary breaks it"

Now, Papa (aka Gary) has only ever broken one thing in our house....the glass to a picture frame, but apparently it left quite an impression on Michael.

Monday, July 9, 2007

shooting boogers

We took Michael to MOSI yesterday. His favorite part? Shooting boogers in the giant nose and then the nose sneezing!

Friday, July 6, 2007

Jesus Chwist

So last night the sprog came out of his room to trade Geena the Giraffe for the stuffed dolphin on the living room table. I heard a thud and he showed up in the kitchen hold Geena in one hand and dolphin in the other...I asked him what happened and he said

"Jesus Chwist I hit my head on my bedwoom doow"

He then handed me Geena and toodeled back to bed.

Saturday, June 30, 2007


Me: What's the matter Michael?
Michael: I have a difficult!

a few minutes later

Michael: I fixed it. I don't have a difficult anymore.


Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Michael and I were out running errands.

We went to exchange one of his birthday presents at Walmart. It had a missing piece. The lady refunded the $$ on a gift card a shopping we went.

Michael decided he wanted something different than the original present(which was good because I looked and they didn't have another one!) and choose a CARS mini race track (it's really cute!)...well he still had money left so we shopped some more. He also piced out a View Master....he still had money left. He choose 2 packages of Play Doh tools. He also picked out a book(he's still a bookworm!).

We get up to the register and he puts the items on the conveyer belt. He's so excited. He tells the cashier "we got 5 things" I guess he was pretty impressed that he returned one and got 5(his favorite number!).

Our last errand was to pick up a couple of things for Dad's upcoming birthday. We were in the car having this conversation:

Me: Michael we have one more stop to get something for dad's birthday.
Michael: OK, Does Dad like sharks?

I guess Michael is planning on getting him some sharks for his birthday!

Monday, June 11, 2007

The Bus is Leaving!

so, Michael and I went to Music with Mar today. We met up with a little girl from Michael's daycare and her mom. After the music class we made plans to meet at the park for a little playdate. We are getting ready to leave:

The little girl's mom: "The bus is leaving. Let's go"

Michael and the little girl both quickly head to the door and are ready to go. They play around on the steps abit and then we set off for our seperate cars.

Michael: "I don't see the bus. Where is it?"

I then proceeded to explain to Michael that there was no bus. It was just her way of saying we were leaving. After the 5 minute car ride...

Michael: "Where's the bus?"


The Cake

Grandma and Grandpa were watching Michael for a little bit. Grandma got Michael a snack out of the refrigerator. Michael was in the living room taking apart his fish puzzle when there was a beeping noise from the kitchen.

g-ma and papa: Michael what's that noise?
Michael: I don't know

They all went into the kitchen.

Michael: The cake must be done!

(It was the refrigerator beeping because the door wasn't shut all the way)

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Disney World "what I want to do"

This evening as I, dad, put the sprog to bed he began to tell me about Disney World. He has only been there once and not even in the park proper, just at a resort and breakfast with the characters. He has seen a special about Disney Worlk on the Travel Channel.

He told me that he wanted to see the Haunted House but didn't want to go inside because "it is scary". He then told me he was going to fly a plane at disney since that was safe "because it has seat belts and buttons"

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Are You Kidding?

Michael found some ladies at the pool to show off for and chat with. While chatting them up the one lady would say to Michael "Are you kidding?" (just playing with him). Michael turned it around on her after she commented on the water asking her "Are you kidding?"

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Backseat Driver

So, this morning I needed to go get allergy shots before swim lessons. On the way there, my backseat driver tells me "slow down, you're going too fast. You're going to hit that truck!" (I'm on a road with a 45 mph speed limit, it's morning traffic and I'm only doing like 40 mph). Lucky for my backseat driver the light ahead was red and we were slowing down.

Later on on the way back from the aquarium:
Me: "Look at the truck next to us, it has two trailers. What do you think it has in the trailers?" (the truck has absolutely nothing descriptive anywhere on it)

Michael: "It has snacks for the cows"

(so what do cows snack on anyways?!)

I finally asked him what cows snack on. His reply: "Leaves!"

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

such imagination

Michael spied his Buzz Lightyear costume from last Halloween in the closet. He asked to put it on. We played Buzz and Star Command(yep, that's me!) for about an hour including through lunch which worked quite nicely. "Buzz, this is Star Command," "Your lunch is ready." While playing "Buzz" it is a requirement to talk into your wrist. He has quite an imagination.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Wake Up!

sometime in 2007? maybe.

THIS is how to wake up daddy!